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The Rise And Rise In Popularity Of Sports Betting

Sports betting is more popular than ever before. With the rise in technology, it has become even easier to bet on sports. People don’t need to visit an actual bookmaker to place bets and can just do it from the comfort of their homes. Sports betting has become so popular that a lot of the world’s big sports betting platforms have even become the kit sponsors of some of the world’s top sports teams. In this post, we will try and understand what makes sports betting so popular.

The Incredible Popularity Of Sports Betting

What makes sports betting different?

In general, you should immediately note that sports betting is not usually done in casinos, but with the help of bookmakers. And the content of this gambling game is very different from all the others. The fact is that in the same slot machines or roulette, very little depends on the person. He places a bet with real money, after which a game takes place, in which one or another outcome occurs with a certain degree of probability, which determines whether he wins or loses. Ordinary mathematics, and in the case of electronic slot machines, this is a random number generator adjusted for the RTP coefficient – the return of money to players. In this case, the casino carefully “bites off” a percentage of all bets for its maintenance. As a result, it turns out that a person cannot influence the outcome of the game in any way; his winnings depend only on how the ball falls out, or on how the generator works.

In the case of sports betting, through platforms like The Punters Page Sports Betting, the player also bets on a certain result, but this is the result of a real sports competition, which, being an informed and experienced person, can be predicted with a certain degree of reliability. Can an avid football fan, who knows two teams well, the current state and situation in the standings, predict which of them will win? Somewhere such a win is completely obvious, somewhere there are doubts, but thanks to experience and knowledge, such sports betting is no longer a belief in blind chance, but a calculation. Some people still bet blindly, but the most successful sports bettors always research and analyze their bets before putting their hard earned money on the line. 

Why do people bet on sports?

All people are different. But almost everyone has something in common… Have you ever asked yourself a simple question: Why do I bet on sports? Surely not. Try asking and answering yourself. We are not sure that the answer will immediately come to mind. There is no universal reason, it is different for everyone and is not always correct. Let’s look at the most popular reasons why people bet on sports.

Easy Money

This is the most popular (and quite possibly the most misguided reason) to bet on sports. People start betting in search of easy money. Yes, perhaps you are “unlucky” in life, you are not an oligarch, not an oil tycoon, not an investment banker, and have never traveled outside your region.

There are no special prospects either. What to do? People see betting as an opportunity to get rich quickly. This is generally a legal opportunity to make money, especially if you are good at sports. Another question is that sometimes players, especially beginners, see everything in rosy terms. They begin to count potential profits, look forward to going on vacation to fashionable resorts, and choose a new car or apartment.

But this time is better spent analyzing matches. Of course, no one has canceled the principle that beginners are lucky, but luck is not unlimited. Therefore, many novice bettors very quickly become disillusioned with their bets and even begin to curse teams and players. Although it’s really about you.

If you approach your bets wisely, you can actually make a profit of 20-25% (just an estimate, not a prediction) with sports betting. But it’s hard work. You need to understand sports, have a cool head, and have the ability for scrupulous objective analysis. Even if you take 20% profit per month, that’s more than 200% per year. You will not get such a profit in any bank.

Another question is that income in a bank is still passive, but in betting you need to work long and hard to achieve good results. Therefore, before you turn to the path of betting, think carefully about everything. Do you need it for the sake of money? Do you have the time to analyze and research all the bets before you place them? Blind guesses might land once in a while, but it’s not a sustainable way to bet successfully. Perhaps it is better to look for a job that is not the most interesting, but that pays well with a guaranteed income.

Loyalty to their favourite team

There is a category of players who bet exclusively on their favorite team. And this is not so bad, especially if losing doesn’t frighten you and you don’t write nasty things to your idols on social networks. Loyalty, in principle, is a quality to cherish.

What could be easier than betting some money on your favorite team if you are confident of its victory? And the winning goal of the striker of your native club, even the most ordinary-looking one, will be many times more beautiful for you than any masterpiece. After all, your favorite team not only earned important points but also replenished your wallet.

The main thing here is not to overdo it with emotions, not to put your entire budget on the victory of your own in the hope that they will not let you down. But a small bet for support is very nice. Sometimes your favourite team might have a down year because of injuries to its top players. Ensure that you are not betting on it to win every game with a limited squad just because you are loyal to the team.


Sports betting is really exciting. This is an inarguable fact. Whether you are a person who bets regularly or a person who is ideologically against sports betting, you can’t deny the excitement associated with it. Without passion, life is boring for a person; there is a category of people who simply cannot sit still when their life is monotonous. Very often such people enter the world of sports betting. Just to get the excitement, the adrenaline rush. The result of the bet itself is secondary here.

The world of betting is extremely emotional, you can immerse yourself in it in 90 minutes, and that’s how long one football match lasts. Especially if you watch it in the company of like-minded people. It’s a real pleasure. The main thing here is the ability to enjoy in moderation. If your bet loses, there is no need to immediately place another one. Follow the principle of “little by little of good.”

Betting for the sake of argument

We all argue with friends from time to time, as they say, until we are hoarse. The reason for a dispute can vary as per the situation, including a sporting event. Winning an argument always leaves a certain feeling of superiority. You might end up with thoughts like: “I understand this better than others, I am stronger.” This is also why some people place bets. Money is an additional reward here. The main thing is the recognition of others. If you make successful bets often, your friends might even start seeing you as some kind of a “Guru” of betting.

If you have friends with whom you watch sports, then you can argue using bets. One supports one team, and the other chooses another. Instead of proving each other’s superiority, you can simply place a bet. The winner will receive winnings and recognition, but the loser will go looking for a reason for placing a new bet.

Besides, you can play together in the same boat against the bookmaker, it’s even more interesting. There will be more joy in case of victory, and there will be no need to take out disappointment on each other. However, here we already intersect with patriotic stakes.

The most important rule is to always take betting as fun. For whatever reason you place a bet in a bookmaker’s office: money, support for your favorite athlete or club, lack of excitement, the desire to gain superiority over someone. Remember: betting is a form of entertainment and should be fun.

If you feel an uncontrollable urge to bet after a loss, or even after a win, it’s better to find something else to do. Because, unfortunately, betting can lead to gambling addiction, and it is difficult to recover from this disease.

You can lose all your property, lose your family, lose your health. And all for what? For a couple of betting wins? The world is full of entertainment, in addition to sports betting, you will definitely find something to suit your taste. Good luck with your bets and be careful: take care of yourself and your health. Don’t get addicted, bet responsibly.

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